
Author: hmw

Wedding planning is often something that women look forward to immensely.  That is, until they realize that there are more ideas that just those in their own heads.  Having to include the thoughts of her mother, soon-to-be mother-in-law and future husband can make the planning more of a challenge that she would have expected.  There are also a lot of details, many of which are not as exciting as choosing the dress and color theme, which can make the bride-to-be lose her zeal for planning. If you have found that wedding planning is not all that you imagined it to be, then consider how celebrating small achievements can make the process much more enjoyable.

At the risk of stereotyping, men are generally pretty easy to please. You meet their basic needs, and for the most part, they’re happy campers. Your wedding is no different. If you want to keep the male portion of your guest list happy, it isn’t really that tough. We talked to a few different guys and found out what makes them say, “Wow, that was an awesome party!” Here’s what we found out:

Identity theft usually refers to the criminal act of stealing another person’s identifying information for financial gain. However, in wedding-speak, identity theft means something entirely different. Here, identity theft is what happens when a bride or groom becomes completely consumed by wedding planning, losing all trace of their former selves. They get so sucked into planning every minute detail that they forget who they were before they got engaged! This can be maddening for the people around them, and it’s not good for the person doing the planning either. Don’t become a victim of wedding identity theft. Here’s how you can protect yourself:

By and large, Saturday is the most popular day to host a your big event, whether you’re having a Lake Tahoe wedding or a ceremony somewhere else. However, this obviously isn’t the only day of the week available. While Friday and Sunday are the next best options for most people, that still leaves Monday through Thursday as possible contenders. Whatever your reasons for considering this non-traditional days, consider these factors before setting your weekday wedding date.

Very often, a man will pop the question, receive the desired response, and then happily take a backseat as wedding planning progresses.  While you might be more than pleased to make most of the decisions for the big day, you will, undoubtedly, find that you would like your man to be involved in some of the planning.  If you are having trouble getting him to attend fittings, tastings, and bridal shows, then you might have to revamp your thinking, focusing on the parts of the wedding that are most likely to appeal to him.

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