
November 2015

Nearly every bride-to-be has heard the words ‘something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue’.  If you are trying to be true to this wedding tradition, then you will need to have something old on your person as you walk down the aisle to meet your soon-to-be-spouse.  While family pearls or your mom’s wedding gown might be the most common versions of ‘something old’, we believe that you can be even more creative with your interpretation, if you choose to be.

Candy bars have become very popular fixtures at weddings in recent years.  Many brides have fallen head over heels for the idea, which is generally received very well by audiences of all ages.  So, it makes sense that you would be considering a candy bar at your own wedding.  If you are still on the fence regarding whether or not you will offer one, let us provide you three reasons why you will want one. Add Color to the Setting Choosing a color theme is often one of the first things that brides-to-be will do after accepting the proposal.  There is something wonderful about choosing the colors that will inspire the rest of the day.  One of the greatest things about candy bars is that they are a wonderful way to work more color into a space.  Candy is available in such a wide variety of hues that it is quite easy to find selections that will help you keep your color scheme alive in the space.

If you are having a wine bar at your wedding, you will want to ensure that you have an adequate selection that will appeal to your guests.  That means having enough to supply the thirst of those individuals, as well as having the right variety to suit their tastes.  Of course, you are never going to please everyone, but if you keep the following factors in mind as you choose the wine that you will serve, you will likely find that the wine bar is a big success. Taste Test Ahead of Time Before you buy, be sure that you taste the varieties that you are considering.  If you aren’t much of a wine connoisseur, then ask your friends or family members to come over for a wine and cheese party.  That way, you can get various opinions on the bottles that you had been considering.  Ask others to bring a bottle of their favorite wines as well, so you can get an idea of what varieties the guests may like.

So, you thought your cupcake tin was for mini cakes and muffins only?  Think again.  There are a million recipes online, which can be prepared in one of these divided tins.  Better yet, you can use that special pan to create the perfect DIY wedding favors for the guests who attend your wedding. The cost of these homemade gifts is very minimal compared to what you would have to spend to buy premade favors.  So, if you have the time and the dedication to make something special for your guests, then pull out your muffin tin and get ready to create.

One of the greatest aspects of having a wedding is all of the time that you get to spend with your best girlfriends and closest female family members.  The bridal party is generally made up of the women who mean the most to us, and they are usually willing to offer a great deal of help to ensure that the wedding is as perfect as possible.  Therefore, most brides like to give their bridal party a special gift in thanks. Bathrobes We love the idea of giving nice, matching bathrobes, which can be worn while hair and makeup are done before the wedding ceremony.  This can also provide a great opportunity for photo shoots.  Very often brides find that they love the pre-wedding photos as much as they do the formal photography.  And, matching bathrobes for you and your party are a great way to set the scene.  Plus, the gift is something that she can continue to enjoy for a longtime after the day is done.

It is your wedding.  Let us say that again; it is YOUR wedding.  So, many of the supposed rules and regulations are nothing more than suggestions and guidelines.  Put them aside and make decisions based on your style, taste, and desires. Myth #1: You Must Wear White Did you know that the idea of the bride wearing white was based on nothing more than a beloved dress worn by a member of royalty many generations ago?  That is it.  Prior to that time, brides wore vibrant colors on their wedding days, so there is absolutely no reason why you should shy away from color, if that is what you prefer.

Deciding where to get married is only a small part of the planning that will, ultimately, lead to your dream come true.  Once the wedding venue is booked, there are several things that will have to be done in order to make things come together properly.  A Second Visit This is an absolute must.  Very often venues are booked far in advance of the big day, and other plans are made right away.  However, it can be easy to forget exactly how big the room is, or how the space is laid out, which means many of those details are difficult to decide upon.  Be sure that you make time to visit the venue again, for a second look and communication with those running the space.

While you want your look to stand apart from the crowd, and you want people to continue 'oohing' and 'aahing' about your dress long after you’ve walked down the aisle, there is reason to consider the current trends in wedding dresses.  You can consult them without getting a copy-cat look, and you may just find that they serve as great inspiration as you make up your mind about what you want in a wedding gown.

In the previous blog post, we wrote a bit about how nature can inspire wedding plans.  The birch tree and the cherry blossom were both mentioned for their great potential for serving in such a role.  However, they are hardly the only sources of inspiration that you can find when wandering outdoors. So, here, we will provide three more examples that might just get your ball rolling as you plan your big day.

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