Unique Guest Book Ideas
A guest book is great, because it contains the many memories of so many who attended your special day. You can pull that out at anytime and relive the day that brought you such joy. However, if you aren’t crazy about the traditional guestbook, then perhaps you will fall head-over-heels for one of these other concepts.
The Lovers’ Bench Did you always picture the American Dream, complete with a tree swing in the backyard? Perhaps, instead of the swing, it could be a lover’s bench, signed by all of your wedding guests.
A World’s Worth of Love Are you inviting guests from all over the country, or from around the world? Then pull out a gorgeous map or globe and ask everyone to sign in the location of their homes. It will, undoubtedly, make a beautiful display in your home, after the evening is complete.
Memories Mailed to Your Door This is also an idea which we simply adore. Rather than the traditional guest book, consider laying out a series of postcards with beautiful images on the front. Ask your guests to take them home and mail them back to you after writing down their favorite memory of the big day.
Frame-Worthy Fun If you are looking to build up your collection of wall art, why not start now? Buy a picture or commission one to be completed for you, allowing blank space that can be filled in with the messages of your loved ones on the day of your wedding.
Vintage Style While handwritten notes are great, you can add a bit more whimsy to your special day if you whip out the antique typewriter and ask guests to try their hand at typing. You can submit these pages for publication. Some companies will even hand-stitch a binding for you, just as they did in years gone by.